FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 5] - [d4 - TOWN WIN] FAM3 if Marluxion was instantaneously killed (real)

You slipping your flavour as the Leafia role was iconic and destined. That was SO funny, and one of the highlights of the game honestly. I hope you don’t feel bad about it, because I found it hilarious personally and I’m sure the rest of the team did


and when I died and then the top wagons were like Apo and Eliza that was so… I honestly thought we had a chance when that happened like how

it was a little embarrassing but the conversations after were funny so :+1:

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Y’all ignoring me being tunneled on Leafia literally all game up to shooting at her d2 smh

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i wonder why


Skill issue

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yes, it quite is
maybe you could cut down on the fluffposts

I assure you

The nyas are incredibly important


how could they ignore you you were literally unavoidable in thread you were almost spamming

You’re not wrong that I should fluff post less though

But it’s just absolutely hilarious to fluff post to such a massive degree

Absolutely drown the thread in nyas and uwus

Definitely do need to work on generating usable thoughts

To say it was almost spamming is just about an understatement

I was like 1/11th of the total posts day 1?


In an almost 60 player game

And to have a fun fact to go along with this

I used to barely minimum post

also if someone here can read me i’d love to hear your thoughts, more specifically on myself

your greatest flaw as wolf is not fake claiming that you were osu’d and not being a mason


Oh yeah

I straight up predicted Leafia being Osu and fake claiming being osu


Or well