FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

you’ll grow it out dw

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nommed to best wolf 2023 mu baby /s

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Letțs hope :worried:


finally someone paying me attention ily cape :face_holding_back_tears:

anyways doesnt look like i can gain any more random tr’s by osmosis existing rn so im out, i may or may not be back for eod if i dont sleep through it


hippo villa
millium villa
dum villa
insomn villa
hallia villa
may villa
daeron villa
firinn villa

Nommed best wolf 2023 performance mu baby /s

it feels like the posts alexa wrote for suki for pocketing

like exactly that post

yeah this is probably true tbh lmao

i can def see worlds where you wouldnt care as much this game (mostly “its 24/24” and “i hate this forum software”) but ur def >rand to be villa just off of sheer dgaf energy lmao

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Tuttie fruttie still wants attention from people? :pleading_face: There, there

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Wazza seems a little towny from this tbh, especially since WWA was announced king earlier in the day

I miss 12/12 :pensive:

i agree with this post. I think insomnia is town and would only re-evaluate if he is around on a later day and has been nonstop pushing agenda

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I havent found WWA really towny either which did make me sideeye the slot and not TR them in my list


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I wouldn’t need Alexa’s help with pocketing I can be a kiss ass pretty easily.

I would need Alexa’s help with writing towny posts that doesn’t get me murdered.

if you like 12/12 mashes, never fear! for the low low price of a ballistic missile, you can replicate that experience!


Catbae did you previously have a pfp with a grey cat? I feel your name is really familiar