FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Mag hows life treating you. Imma stick to the people who i know

Do you think that wolf!nutella wouldn’t be able to come up with more reliable reasons to scumread someone?

Atlas can have a townlean at least.

Here’s why we should kill Hazardwaste:

i can read the 1st and 4th, and the 2nd somewhat

the 3rd is too difficult for me to read

i wish for a drone strike on spf




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Oops caps

ftr I do not think the points spf is making against nutella are bad or wrong.

I just have other points which override those basically. Mostly that this doesn’t align with what my image of what wolf!nutella plays like. If your point is that I should blindly trust spf if I have her as town? I think that’s not very discussion-like.

this is again all just fucking incorrect lol

I kind of thought they were wolfy, but they said some stuff that made me unsure

Like both of these make me doubt

Well, and

this too a bit

I mean I’m just going to discard the entire list of reads that wazza posted then bc how do I know any name on that list is real or is even the person they intended to write

Ok it’s actually bedtime

Mentally exhausted because I know I’ll be awake early for this game tomorrow, but hiding it behind a smile. How’s your end of the stick?

Imma dip to bed

How much hours do we have till EoD

if you think somebody knows better i would trust them over yourself, mhm.

My phone has been on 2 percent for like 6 minutes. Its taunting me

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