FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

A breast, if you will


i dont think anyone’s outed yet

I don’t feel very confident on this, but I think Achro is town.

… hate this post. anyone else hate this post? i hate this post.

i just snowed baudib he can scumread me as a treat

may is just town

not just this post but the previous ones

its like …

scum may is more nervous. begs to be townread. knows what generally gets townread. posts it. is careful

this may… isn’t trolling per se. idk how to word it. she’s messing around. trying to think of a better way to phrase it

it’s like she doesn’t care about dying, like she’s already dead. in a towny way… if that makes sense

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tutuu scum

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i mean i will always be fencesitty i am naturally very hedgy so :3

your post just felt like you saying random bullshit with conviction and pretending to believe it and thats how i remember u posting as mafia

my memory isnt strong enough for me to pretend that its confident

but gun to head i agree with SK that it was a wolfy post while acknowledging i am not confident :joy_cat:

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this is w/w

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Aren’t shots lists usually written by consensus town players? So it’s kinda sus if someone asks to make one who isn’t consensus town? I don’t know, I’m new but that feels right to me

ermmmm yuck!!! that post is bad I agree

tutuu might be wolfing


generally id argue they are made from town consensus rather than the other way around but

leave you liar before we kill you for staying!

What does that make May?

thats the type of bad post thats creature indicative more than anything

im inbetween game queues its ok

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I would say these are my towntells yes. I know how to get townread by faking and lying and such. I know how to say things that make people townread me. When I’m a wolf. I don’t prioritise this as town and thus sound violently different to myself. I don’t think I sound that different externally. But tutuu has identified this


Me when everyone’s talking about me, even though they’re scumreading me, because any press is good press:



Do you find it wolfy or is it just criticism of my play?