FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Agree tuutuu wolf

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frozen mafia

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Snerk XD

I like you

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The response was proportional to the post’s badness tbh imo

Maybe real life is just one big overdramatic theatre show

someone explain tutuu read in terraria terms to me

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yeah tutu feels wolfy to me too

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may is a polarized noob dont let their title mislead u

idk what alignment he is tho


VOTE: tutuu

okay now gn fr

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Alright what would I accomplish posting that post as a wolf?

I am very likely to be told I am wrong if I am indeed wrong

tutuu is 90% corrupt. He needs to try harder


oh, wolfy
if i say something is bad then i mean that its wolfy
if i say something is good then i mean that its towny
its stupid to say play is bad or good when i cant see the results of it yet
its also stupid of me specifically to say play is bad or good because i 1) suck at fm and 2) havent played in nearly a year

VOTE: tutuu

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updated summary as best i can do it

atlas: explains what a superlike does (for her) FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #37 by Atlas
artemis: claims future miller FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #127 by Artemis
ash claims some variant of miller FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #218 by ash4fun
me (firinn): claims i can shoot people more often for less damage
kiiruma claims something confirmable with likes FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #3381 by catbae
ranta claims a doctor that gives buffs but can only target people who super liked their posts
sirderpsalot hard claims neut FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #2239 by Atlas and that they want superlikes FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #2415 by SirDerpsAlot
event announcements: FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #351 by FAMHost & FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #354 by FAMHost
frostwolf posted some PoE Sectors FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #645 by Frostwolf103
people speaking in rhyme, probably for some sort of mechanical buff: brakuren FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #26 by Brakuren yawn FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #32 by Yawn FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #774 by Yawn crazynuto FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #1249 by crazynuto (ill add more as i find more)
tutuu might have some kind of mech that happens when she makes 50 posts since she is counting. eg. FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #2433 by tutuu
people are given cookies for thousands FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #1037 by FAMHost and one where apocryphal got one FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #3002 by FAMHost - do not make posts at this mark unless ur widely townread FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #3168 by firinn
windward is king which means they have double vote FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #2111 by WindwardAway
spf list of townreads: FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #1788 by spf & FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #3277 by spf
sadbi reads: FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #2158 by Sadbi
hallia reads (garden is village weeds is scum): FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #2358 by Hallia
katze reads: FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #2483 by katze
tutuu reads FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #2973 by tutuu
the Joycat Nomads have gained the advantage FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #1852 by FAMHost
super likes announcement FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #2704 by FAMHost & FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #3527 by FAMHost
alts list FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #2875 by Atlas
skribblio participants FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #3084 by FAMHost winners were FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (Day 1) - #3356 by Ashlyn
tell me if stuff is missing and ill add if i vaguely trust you, ill add other people’s reads list if they look vaguely like effortposts

firinn’s personal biggest wolfread is brakuren, firinn also wolfread neil_the_eel, nutella, sadbi, and (either catbae or spf)
biggest townread is carrotyreaper

(this is an update, added what superlikes… do)


silt in extractinator


Okay be cautious of you

Got it :joy:

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Yeah be cautiou s

thatas actually me rn why didy ou take a gif of me