FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

speaking of like farming, I have a cool ability to give to one special person who superlikes this post :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 1 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
4 Hazardwaste Leafia, ElizaThePsycho, Cape90, Apocryphal
3 Atlas ash4fun, neil_the_eel, Kanave
2 Garfooled Atlas, catbae
2 BradLand Bionic, alexandra
1 ElizaThePsycho Garfooled
1 Brakuren nutella
1 Kanave Millium
1 WindwardAway Hippopablompoyeetus
1 dyachei Dum
1 benguinedparbecue beancat
1 Sadbi an_gorta_slanktai
64 Not Voting Achromatic, Amelia, Ari, Artemis, Ash, Ashlyn, Baudib1, benguinedparbecue, BradLand, Brakuren, bystander, carbonated, CarrotyReaper, ChaosNinjaGaming, crazynuto, Creature, Daeron, dyachei, Ephemera, firinn, Frostwolf103, Gocj, gori, Gorta, Hallia, Hazardwaste, Hehehaha420blazing, IcetFeelsPain, Italy, jail, JakeTheWolfie, Jane, Jarek, Jinrou, katze, Kelsier, Kiiruma, Kork, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Luxy, Magnus, Manny, Marluna, Marluxion, May, Memekingpizza, Meuh, pandora, Porscha, Ranta, Selkie, SilverKeith, Silviu200530, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, spf, Stick, tris, tutuu, Wazza, WindwardAway, Yawn, Zugzwang
1 Unrecognized Sadbi (for leafia)
Raw VC for the plugin

Hazardwaste (4): Leafia, ElizaThePsycho, Cape90, Apocryphal
Atlas (3): ash4fun, neil_the_eel, Kanave
Garfooled (2): Atlas, catbae
BradLand (2): Bionic, alexandra
ElizaThePsycho (1): Garfooled
Brakuren (1): nutella
Kanave (1): Millium
WindwardAway (1): Hippopablompoyeetus
dyachei (1): Dum
benguinedparbecue (1): beancat
Sadbi (1): an_gorta_slanktai
leafia (1): Sadbi

Not Voting (64): Achromatic, Amelia, Ari, Artemis, Ash, Ashlyn, Baudib1, benguinedparbecue, BradLand, Brakuren, bystander, carbonated, CarrotyReaper, ChaosNinjaGaming, crazynuto, Creature, Daeron, dyachei, Ephemera, firinn, Frostwolf103, Gocj, gori, Gorta, Hallia, Hazardwaste, Hehehaha420blazing, IcetFeelsPain, Italy, jail, JakeTheWolfie, Jane, Jarek, Jinrou, katze, Kelsier, Kiiruma, Kork, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Luxy, Magnus, Manny, Marluna, Marluxion, May, Memekingpizza, Meuh, pandora, Porscha, Ranta, Selkie, SilverKeith, Silviu200530, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, spf, Stick, tris, tutuu, Wazza, WindwardAway, Yawn, Zugzwang

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

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ok actually i kinda dont like hazard wagon

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i wa s. legs in krc

A lot of confidence ull live to day 2

if you are not modkilled then you are wolf…

Why’s that?

3 votes in a 89-player mash

I think i found scum yall

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i’ve actually got stuff to do irl i’ll have this in the background so don’t vote me pls :pray:

sabi is town insomnia is gay

who is this

Yeah it was real fun on there! I just fell off botcu with the whole archive stuff and never came back, plus a weird irl experience >.<

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too many people piling on this one post
like its not that scummy guys

oh altas is an actual wagon i thought i was being cute

anyway things will likely mellow out in an hour a few people have claimed game stuff like from what I can tell leafia/magnus/ash and a few other people have been asking mechanics

Your skills are spectacular , I hope you don’t cry
I would be deeply saddened if you were to die

My rhymes aren’t anything, just gusts of wind
As I watch to make sure evils are pinned

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/fearmonger carroty @FAMHost

beancat probably a villager

idk i like the game i just dont play it anymore

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This is not really funny