FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Creature was lock town before I left why are people voting him

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she’s just like me fr

Not only did you not shoot me, you shot Tutuu, who while was town, is a fucking massive W of a person to shoot, good job, I’m proud of you :handshake:


If I teach you the ways of 7 size font’ing people Dya will prolly kill me.

his response to the brad wolfcase was terrible

you give everyone a reason to SR you its different

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I wouldn’t call anyone obvious wolf, and maybe I’m stuck in my own bias, but I don’t see what u don’t like about catbae’s push on SpF?

Gira proclaims he isn’t the best wolf, and u think he is going to attempt to push SpF, in a mash when there will always be so many ez lhf’s to push?

Where was it I missed it

Is his response AI or just creature indicative

she’s just like me fr

Sadbi caught w!Creature last year so I’m sheeping this without question.
That’s a joke for comedic purposes but there’s merit behind this staked claim for sure.

gira is a killer wolf lol


You know I did this when I said there was a wolf in digi/ pingers and it worked! I’ma start doing it.

I want to know why

Wait they’re still showing the Spiderman films? I thought that ended by now.

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i think both

brad overplaying whole “women” thing makes me think that that like
definitively needs to disappear
if not for being a wolf then for my sanity (im going to die n1 anyway)


hi sabi i never said hi to you hi

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Bc he’s not town (i don’t think)