FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Where was it I missed it

Is his response AI or just creature indicative

sheā€™s just like me fr

Sadbi caught w!Creature last year so Iā€™m sheeping this without question.
Thatā€™s a joke for comedic purposes but thereā€™s merit behind this staked claim for sure.

gira is a killer wolf lol


You know I did this when I said there was a wolf in digi/ pingers and it worked! Iā€™ma start doing it.

I want to know why

Wait theyā€™re still showing the Spiderman films? I thought that ended by now.

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i think both

brad overplaying whole ā€œwomenā€ thing makes me think that that like
definitively needs to disappear
if not for being a wolf then for my sanity (im going to die n1 anyway)


hi sabi i never said hi to you hi

Show me

Bc heā€™s not town (i donā€™t think)

ok I see why hallia is town now

now I just need to find space in my brain to store that

Lemme reiso him since I left but he was lock town for creature

Iā€™m a creature god reader rffz

I can get back to being serious and tone it down but itā€™s never leaving.

Ashlyn feels like a wolf, that hang up, is somethign

Hallo! Happy to answer anything I can to help :blush:

I feel that about him every game

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