FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Italy was teaching me how to eat so I was busy. I meant to tryhard but by the time I entered thread to tryhard Jarek had already gladiated me. I made a bunch of people think we were V/V for a bit but it didn’t really matter cause Jarek was still townier than me regardless

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who do you know for sure is town? that’d be helkpful.

I’m not sure I can elaborate more rather than vibes. I feel like I could go more in depth on my townreads if needed but I don’t think I’m feeling super sure about any of my wolfreads, as said. I’m planning on finding enough townies and poe the rest, by progressively raising the bar for towness.

i dont agree that it’s towny considering that she provided zero elaboration on the read or where it came from

i gave her space to solve in her own corner after i had that back n forth with her and her follow-up posts have not been great imo - she posted a couple of nothing townreads and has been limply tunneling insomnia for non-descript reasons

Its a hidden role version of BOTC

im obsessively skimming instead of going to sleep and spf is still either power wolfing or massively skill issuing

im maybe not like mega obvtown rn bc i did stuff irl tonight but i think im still pretty obvtown

too many posts to parse tho and i haven’t really condensed reads much ive just tossed some out

insomnia and spf r wolves nya

Wind, so it negates the alligment reveal for a single player.

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Can I get a second look on this post? It looks to me like it’s TMIing Magnus town, and I want to see what other people think about this.

its a type of botf gamemode that people have invented

its like all amnes (which is everyone has an amne ability) but the roles are just made up, with a loose base on a real clocktower role

Hazard!!! are you town???


unironically yeah

So the 420 one is the player Lol
And jinrou is Zara

And insomnia is the G starting one

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I don’t like posting my reads this early because usually I don’t have the space to form enough thoughts to equate to a read but I’ll give you what I’ve got so far, only trust the confidence in the actual green ones, the rest can go either way throughout today.

if you want any explanations, lmk


darkgreen = townread
lime = townlean
grey = I’ve formed thoughts on their slot, but they equate to being a null read
lightgrey = I saw them claim 3p and couldn’t be bothered checking if it was a joke or not so I’ll run with it until I find out
red = scumlean


like BOTC but you don’t have a script and have no idea what anything does? why would anyone play that

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that doesn’t really feel like TMI to me at all

OHHHH okay thank you.

I was gonna keep asking but it would’ve been annoying to do and time wasting.

i could have sworn this post was written by spf

spf and wazza have identical avatars when looked at from a distance. im confusing their posts

same for pandora and ari. i was shocked to see some pandora posts were actually written by ari

Benneh still stays in my townreads though. @Hallia

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Someone said my name then i lost the post

Dw I got you boo

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