FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

…secure, contain, protect?

Oh it was more the way spf worded it as looking for wolfreads, just seemed really forced at that stage but idc much about that tbh

Yo how do i iso some specific people

Can I switch guilds I dont want to be boomer anymore


That hasnt talked recently

You really are a youngling then…

I like Atlas’ posts

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click their names in the player list, and it will show messages

No #Boomers are the best

Okay, I kind of liked their Magnus TR though

I know this is likely just a joke but it reads so badly intentioned, like wolf trying not to get too good town players

Again same thing in the iso

Go to the first post, click the playerlist dropdown, then click their name and the “X posts in topic” button.

I know scp. I dont understand any of the words.
What you mean youngling! I am in my 20’s

This is coming from someone who hasnt played with wazza i think

Issa bayyyybe


can you elaborate on this bit

i could be mistaking this but it sounds mildly contradictory

Idk to be offended or sad

(I’m 37 I’m memeing XD)


Idk probably not well bc it’s a gut/tone/nebulous read
He just strikes me as approaching with an agenda but im not sure what that is aside from possible pairing with spf(but I independently sr him more )

(Nah i am 20 i am a baby XD)