FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

i think it’s true that nutella can get tunneled on certain ppl as town at times, but i also think you’re giving her an almost unbelievable amount of credit to say that she “doesn’t replicate” this as mafia.

that’s a crazy read im ngl

it does not bode well for nutella that she, so far, has Exactly Two Wolfreads

one wolfread is a name that she has constantly floated as suspicious without further elaboration or action

and the other wolfread is me, who she has posted contradictory/fake logic about (imo)

…and who “re-evaluated” me once i stopped pushing her in a way that felt manufactured, only to immediately push me again as soon as i started pushing her back lol

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I am actually curious about why Hazard was getting wolfread earlier and where that went.

Hes right though

How new is Kelsier, anyone know them?

I mean I would be leaning wolf on you too if hadn’t been helping with that. I think it just overrides for me

I don’t know the meta but my general read on the game is that there’s a lot of people who are less active or unable to keep up who are probably going to just sheep someone or make reads based on whatever posts they happen to see while they’re online. That’s why I feel like we should have a very low tolerance for blatant wrong claim or people “mistakenly” putting the wrong person on reads list.

Shooting all those people is win/win for town, either we eliminate wolves or we eliminate misinformation

I’m inclined to be much more forgiving of mistakes once it cuts down to like 20 people and you can actually mentally keep track of where a certain piece of info is from, and instead of it being like <you’re subconsciously assuming someone is wolfy because you heard someone else say they were wolfy and you can’t keep up> it’s more like <you remember the exact person who said they were wolfy, and you’ll undo your read if they say it was a mistake and retract it> if that makes sense

That’s a youngling…

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the tape on the image the boomers sent has a tagline that says “council of idiots”, referring to mays joke

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well, my experience with wolf!nutella is that they are more passive and etc etc (all that i’ve said).

Yes spf knows her better but this just means she’s wrong or she’s a wolf. At some point spf had nutella as town too.

I think spf isn’t out of wolfrange but if town they’re playing pretty well and I’d like to keep playing as if they are, a bit weird perhaps but it works out.

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Now I feel even worse, I did the same thing to my partner last year as well and to my other friends, I might just have to start wishing people happy birthday’s when it’s that time for me as well but it breaks such a heavy tradition I have that it’s hard for me to do :joy_cat:

This is half the reason I wasn’t going to screenshot it, I’ve had your birthday in my calendar since we talked about our birthdays once in vc haha, I’ve already had to change the name one time when it showed up and when it showed up last time I was drunk so didn’t think to change it, but I’ll change it now while I have the effort to

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Idk I like their vibe but I’m biased

Unsure on how new they are

I went to professional placement. I basically get placed in a classroom of kids idk and learn how to teach.


Not where you went, where the suspicion on you went.

i have only seen a couple of his posts but I think he is null so far

he is another sort of player that presents as an easy push

this feels like halfway backing down rather then calling spf wrong, to me

which is off.

He’s got good tone I’d defend him

I also wolf lean brak and hippo but those are weaker it’s just a dense thread so I’m narrowing my focus

Ohhhhhhh idk.
I was scum read cause i answered kana’s question is all i know

I’m not gonna sit here and pretend like this isn’t a normal thing for me to heavily townread people without interacting with them.

The two other times we were in thread together that isn’t now was when I was in an event and when I was enjoying your interaction with May that I felt me getting involved in would’ve messed things up.

I was gonna post “OMG ASHLYN!!!” at one point but then I didn’t because you were having a heated discussion with May and I didn’t wanna feel the wrath lmao

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