FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

you can ask them to reverify, if you wish

fam4 if spf is immediately killed

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fam4 if spf is immediately killed

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Yeh I’m guessing town there

@nutella well it feels manufactured because there’s not much visible thought behind your progression? you kind of went: “ok well maybe spf is town” when i stopped pushing you, to saying “ok spf is mafia again” as soon as i started pushing u again

i think that it’s very normal for u to waffle as town but this felt less waffly to me and more like u were temporarily backing off so that i wouldnt push on u more lol

16? I think

Tired cause i know i have to do classroom stuff during the day and then do fortress of lies stuff cause if i miss a day i will feel guilty

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You know the battery indicator’s misleading, yeah. It still works for a strong impression.

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16 hours

I’m not sure but why would I express something like that? Usually if someone does something they’ve never done as a wolf, they’re town unless they’re trying to change things up. Also, Achro’s nullish to me. Maybe a very slim wolfread if anything due to his reply to my post. It felt wolfy.

its at 5pm est for americans

i’m too tired to do the mathematics in my head

I do that when it comes to townreads, not so much when it comes to wolfreads.

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Roughly 15

i mean
my interactions with May have been very intentionally UN-heated imo
because if i responded to them the same way they responded to me that was going to become a forest fire very quickly


hrmm… fair enough, i suppose.
pokes cheek
did anything outside of may and i’s conversations point you in favor of them being V?

just scroll up to like post 6ish and it has an adjusted timestamp

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Figuratively speaking.



Players: Up to 8 (must be an even number)
Chance of Death: None
Mobile-Friendly: Yes
Duration: Roughly 45 minutes
Other Notes: Signups will close in 10 minutes, or when full.

How to play:

  • You will be divided into two teams.
  • The game will be played over a series of 8 rounds, alternating between teams.
  • In each round, one player will be the Psychic. Each player will have one chance to be the Psychic.
  • The goal of the Psychic is to get their team to guess a specific number between 1 and 21. (Your number will be randomly assigned by the event host.)
  • The Psychic will also be allowed to choose one of eight “clue categories,” each of which can only be chosen once. Each “clue category” will consist of something that exists on a spectrum, such as “Soft” to “Hard.”
  • The only way the Psychic can hint at the correct number is by giving a clue based on where something falls in the spectrum.
    • For example, if “Soft” is 1 and “Hard” is 21, and the target number is 18, the Psychic might say “A rock.”
    • The Psychic cannot say things like “a rock that is 18/21 soft” or anything like that. They must stick within the spirit of the game. If I decide you are not playing within the spirit of the game, I will disqualify you.
  • Then, the team must guess what number this corresponds to.
    • If they guess the exact number, they get 4 points.
    • If they are off by 1 in either direction, they get 3 points.
    • If they are off by 2 in either direction, they get 2 points.
    • This does not wrap around.
  • The other team can then guess “Under” if they think the true value is lower than the value the first team guessed, or “Over” if they think the true value is higher. If they are correct, they will get one point.
  • The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

How to Join:

  • Type /in in the game thread and ping @FAMHost.

Reminder: You may not talk or hint about any ongoing events in any non-event chat, public or private, apart from your role PM.

i think that nutella has a tendency to have more flimsy/questionable reasoning as a wolf even tho she’s capable of coming up with thoughtful/considerate stuff

whereas she tends to be more thoughtful/considerate by default as town if that makes sense?