FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Ok I’m actually going to bed. I’d be grateful if people ping me for anything I can add to my summary post when I’m back

everytime i’ve seen wolf!spf she has endgamed pretty easily
almost everytime i’ve seen villa!spf she was actually in danger of dying d1
so shrugze

I’ll upload every single one of your posts into an AI model which analyses which words you tend to use as wolf and as town

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Zug’s already working on that~

so if she goes on to win this game as mafia in endgame will you count it as a failure of your model or a validation?

Why is the thread so slow wtf

This goes completely against the spirit of FoL

validation depending on how much danger she is in by eod

I can meow a few times to speed things up?

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All the Americans have gone to bed

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granted resolving spf on this seems a lot easier, if she is aliveo n d3 the odds of her being a wolf increase by 700000%

Except meeeee <3

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you’re doing it wrong :frowning:


hmmm with insomnia it’s really just kind of getting a bad vibe from his pushes

contrary to popular opinion i think the reasoning here is Questionable

insomnia say that bystander 'used a player she didnt jive with in order to get content in", but that’s not true! bystander had posted content ~Before her exchange with brak happened

and her exchange with Brak was clearly not done with the intention to "get content’ - felt much more like she was just teasing Brak about a past game, and that this organically led to her wolfreading Brak’s reaction to that

to me this reasoning just feels super unfair to bystander in a way that pings me

this is also a questionable read from insomnia because like, nutella’s read on me did have Logic of some form - it was just wolfy/confusing logic

insomnia chiming it to characterize her push as “not having logic” just feels kinda lazy and like he wanted to instigate me and nutella to fight more

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got bored of thread again

c’yall the next time i get bored which may or may not happen today.