FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

I guess so, that’s what the announcement said

so your introducing us to people who havent played with us

Can u link the announcement i cant find it

I’m trying to explain about the fact that we have what we have between us.
Yes it’s an introduction.
But I’m not giving an introduction to you, I’m giving one about you.

If we had assigned different names to ourselves when we first engaged with the Fortress of Lies community, would we still all have been perceived the same way?

Because half my voters have never even talked to me in this game???
I mean I find that weird, that they’re more interested in voting me to possibly get my alignment than just like, talking to me

One sec

This one

If i named myself Butterflydestroyer, would you have cared for me at all.

Either you qere unlucky and chosen or you were chosen specifically lemme check the votes at that point rq

It’s just weird because I don’t townread the 3 voters I interacted with and I haven’t interacted with the other 3

I’m quite sure I was specifically chosen

can i frame this?


Now what makes you think that

You were supposed to post that question in mafia chat, not here. Smh

Fret not, for you can still beat the current hiscore of 0

Why would i wanna talk to people lol

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Because i was publicly announced as the King and apparently people don’t like that

Idk why would you wanna vote me, I thought you were one of those people who usually thinks I make myself obvious