FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Broken, bruised and battered
Shaken, shot and shattered
Neck deep, knocked and knackered
Still from the wreck we stagger

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aren’t wolves that do stuff scary

looking back on my posts i only have 12 including this one and none of them have been relevant to the game apart from me asking what’s been happening (which is hardly relevant) :sob:

gg i’m never doing anything villagery this game owo

Exist, probably - the same as every game. People just tend to scumread her playstyle. I think she is pretty towny from what I have actually seen.

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allergies suck :(

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real read on sabi is that their posts feel tonally agendad

gg owo

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Better luck next year.

The muers that know me lol

In the games I’ve played with her (mainly BoTC if I recall) she tends to be a good force for good!

In forum mafia? Not a clue lol

I’m not scared of wolves, no.

I get your point but by “they’re doing stuff” mostly means they get a pass since they are generating content and trying to move the game.

Not the kind of archetype I’d go for a D1 lunch

bold of you to assume i’m playing next year owo


Mera town for now

Can’t stay here rn but @Frostwolf103 @LittleLee meet 11 posts so i can use an ability today better (and if you’re town, not hurt you in the process)

It’s game related you’re fine Cng.

What are your thoughts on the wagons not getting higher than six

thats the better luck part

Do you think it is alignment-indicative for them that they didn’t do so?

don’t people scumread her usually because she barely talk?

Wow ur so right

sometimes but also she tends to fluffpost a lot ime. she has had thoughts that seemed towny to me