FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1


Mera town for now

Can’t stay here rn but @Frostwolf103 @LittleLee meet 11 posts so i can use an ability today better (and if you’re town, not hurt you in the process)

It’s game related you’re fine Cng.

What are your thoughts on the wagons not getting higher than six

thats the better luck part

Do you think it is alignment-indicative for them that they didn’t do so?

don’t people scumread her usually because she barely talk?

Wow ur so right

sometimes but also she tends to fluffpost a lot ime. she has had thoughts that seemed towny to me

I disliked sabis first real readlist because it lacked spice.

with spice I mean there was no random read that people that spend a lot of time in thread stumble over.

Everything was about people sabi knows or thread focus was on which is the stuff a basic wolf would do.

Forgot which game, but I remember town throwing her out the airlock after she admitted to lurking (which was cringe, but oh well).

anyway spf is an outed wolf discuss

VOTE: spf

VOTE: bradland

I just think it’s weird and not AI that a whole bunch of muers aren’t pressuring me.

I highly doubt most of the muers are wolves.


what happened to that wagon what

hi @Jane hi @Ephemera

hmmmmmm… ok…

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which one?

Hi catbae

I’m only going to give reads to people I know day one of a mash.

My spice was the frinir is snowing and a wolf.

he posted.

it’s a problem.