FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Dun can probably come off he did a coffee tell but like

It’s probably memes(but being off site and ppl not knowing about it…is it?)

Ashlynn being on the brad wagon and posting wasn’t great imo when I drop em off today and come home I can get stuff

On mobile for the next probably 45 while I finish doing morning routine with her

hey you’re right lol

ngl hallias posting is probably out of her wolfrange but i still feel like every time she talks about creature its slimy and full of WANT more than BELIEF

the vote isnt particularly serious in the sense that i don’t want her to die but its serious in the sense that i am squinting

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one of the very early posts (5th?) is a live playerlist for vc.

not sure if that list gets updated, but it works for now.

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i think there is want there because she’s frustrated with his playstyle

who is Gira?

really this just means that she’s a tunneled villager 9/10 times but im still gonna posture around it because its villagery of me to do so

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I think ppl who got onto Brad yesterday were probably a decent amount of wolves bc there wasn’t really any reasoning beyond they didn’t like him


why do people not care when I make an empty vote but when katze is useless you nod along?

Why is there still 6 people on wind

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wouldn’t “wanting” imply villa?

he was p awkward and wolf last mash but something about how he came back and talked about my fake check on you felt uninformed

imo he is =rand, somone will inevtiably kill him in ITAs. these types of slots are ones you do not need to waste brainpower on. (uhh no offens if you are reading this Kork)

Why Ashlyn? She is one of my top villagers.


maybe want is the wrong word but either way i still think she’s p likely a villager anyway and im just complaining because i can

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I disagree.
Can be wolves on it but sheeple are not rare once they hear “polarized player”.

katze is simply cuter than you

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Then you didn’t read any of yesterday when I explained why I thought he was a wolf and I get Sabi just like empty hand slapping my read down bc they know better with what I consider the flimsiest reasoning ever and atp it’s whatever if I’m right in going to crow my ass off about it and never trust anyone over myself again

But dya now also really thinking it is enough that the two combined could be right over me