FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1


I disagree.
Can be wolves on it but sheeple are not rare once they hear “polarized player”.

katze is simply cuter than you

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Then you didn’t read any of yesterday when I explained why I thought he was a wolf and I get Sabi just like empty hand slapping my read down bc they know better with what I consider the flimsiest reasoning ever and atp it’s whatever if I’m right in going to crow my ass off about it and never trust anyone over myself again

But dya now also really thinking it is enough that the two combined could be right over me

Sorry, catbae


I just said

Trying to get the alignment check on Wind I guess.

After all that’s our only way to know if its legit or just a modposter. And if its a modposter we ignore further things that seem weird

Do You know that implies that I have to kill a lof people to make you listen?
That is work.

It’s fake complaining then bc I explained my beliefs

Why do you think people wagoned you besides me meming

i was there for that and i thought u were both being kinda unreasonable but meow.

you reasonably can/should ignore the read because im ~never gonna actually try to kill u today and probably not even gonna try to kill u ever this game

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I am ignoring largely but if you’re gonna say untrue things I’m gonna respond

I need to see more posts like this with some depth out of them for you catbae. Your slot feels so weird, like your posts themselves are fine but the overal lack of information behind some of your posts and surface reads is slightly pinging me.

Please :pleading_face:

This might be just a psychological thing but the fact that you hace to actively click somewhere for the votes to show up, it makes me feel like they are sort of hidden and thus a minor part of the game that they actually are. In MU it’s always posted like twice per page so it’s a lot more in your face, you can’t avoid it, you’re a lot more aware of them, somewhat ominous. I’m unsure which way I like more


i wasn’t even here when i got voted. so i have 0 clue

All I do day one mashes is shield my biggest tr that people want to kill.

Look at last year Anni when I shielded xanj day one.

Let me cook.

VOTE: bystander

Well you can click on their votes to see

i dont care for that, sorry