FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Someone teach me how to read kanave

Tbh im not gonna sweat till we get like fewer numbers, for now brain is off and sheeping may

im not calling catbae a wolf i said ive found him way townier than spf but i think the current push on spf is ~weird

realistically i doubt i ever vote in the two today unless it becomes likeā€¦ an actual dome that i have no choice but to participate in. im just calling it as i see it, im hesitating to say that spf is the obvious wolf in the two right meow even tho if u asked me 30 min ago id have said it was always her overh im

haha get snowed!!!


Stuff like this is wolfy self aware and are like 90% of the ISO.

Hi Iā€™m back. Whatā€™s new

Brad loves ignoring me for the record
Only time we have talked was in the Anon of chords

I know what you have said about me Brad
Dodging me only makes you look worse, lad

Hi back, Iā€™m Ash.

how was spiderman?

What I NEED to do is how to harness being easily town read with having ppl actually listen to me

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its okay Iā€™ll probably die to ITAs day 2ish after never giving anyone a reason to TR me

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I became a wagon

Feel free to bully my voters

I have to actually sleep.
Not because of Sabi returning.

But it helped.

Creature was lock town before I left why are people voting him

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sheā€™s just like me fr

Not only did you not shoot me, you shot Tutuu, who while was town, is a fucking massive W of a person to shoot, good job, Iā€™m proud of you :handshake:


If I teach you the ways of 7 size fontā€™ing people Dya will prolly kill me.

his response to the brad wolfcase was terrible

you give everyone a reason to SR you its different

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I wouldnā€™t call anyone obvious wolf, and maybe Iā€™m stuck in my own bias, but I donā€™t see what u donā€™t like about catbaeā€™s push on SpF?

Gira proclaims he isnā€™t the best wolf, and u think he is going to attempt to push SpF, in a mash when there will always be so many ez lhfā€™s to push?