FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Sounds bad

day after mine, 3rd October :)

am i allowed to make my reads in spreadsheet form and post it

why lmao

ah. ngl the entire fun of blood on the clocktower for me is that itā€™s a solvable logic puzzle rather than just a purely social screaming zone so I think I would enjoy that much less than BOTC

ty for the explain though

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have you met me

have i ever explained a pet scumread in my life

itā€™s a fuckin vibe read



i dont want to do anything against the rules and this is more players than iā€™m used to playing with

wow your birthday is the after mine

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The host for not doing enough events.

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You can

I just isoā€™d nutella and there was a shift from ā€œspf scumā€ to ā€œeh i missread bc i was skimmingā€ back to ā€œspf scumā€

porscha mafia


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My cat tried to get me to sleep like an hour ago maybe I should go to sleep



Nah. I think Porscha is fine for now.

i donā€™t think thereā€™s an easy way to make such a gif but maybe this is an alternative? :sweat_smile:

i think Brad is okay recently idk

if anyone can read sk can you inform me on their typical reading process
the explanation isnt terrible but it struck me as odd for relatively pointless reasons