FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

i’d be willing to reconsider only if she got worse in the future, but for now i think she’s pretty decent

@catbae re link pls

I still don’t know why either

I agree that gocj is obv town btw

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volume tells aren’t generally as easy to solve as “just post more” because forcing yourself to post can also easily tip people off

You can enjoy whatever you like

I’M not going to play based on social reads because something I know about myself is that my hitrate in vanilla mafia is literally =rand and my hitrate in BOTC is insanely much higher

You can claim to be some kind of social read god but I still think we would all benefit from not completely ignoring the mechanical aspect of the game, which is what it feels like people are advocating for

What I’m trying to say is that your social reads will literally be better if they’re attached to mechanics, like, it’s so much easier to socially read someone based on how they agreed or refused to coordinate around a mechanic vs trying to socially read someone purely off shitposts

No im not wtf

Catbae is pushing her and people followed and think her iso is wolfy

my problem with this post is that i know you believe it if you’re town and i know you’ll find some way to justify believing it if ur mafia because ur just like that.

truthfully though i feel like i almost want to consider u/nutella a difference check.

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Yes you are stfu lol

my opinion on italy is he’s hardly been here and the amount of attention he’s been getting is kinda weird compared to other slanky slots

That’s my shield

morning nerds

I see you guys have posted like 10k times while I was away, you can rest assured im absolutely not reading any of that



Nuh uh

so you agree about nutella

do i count this as a claimed ticket to paradise or not… hm

I love posting <3

Anything important i should know?

I’m not even that confident on Stick fwiw

i havent looked at nutella’s recent output but fwiw i dont think she needs to be mafia anymore

so considering us a difference check is bad idea