FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1


ok i’ve towntold enough gn


had a really pingy v read on an underwhelming stick and then glazed about how good he is as wolf and would only townread villagers

she also didnt feel obvwolf last year; and her commentary doesn’t always read as “blasphemy, kill (them)” to me

she’s both posted less and had more constant and trailing thoughts; if she is a wolf, i heavily expect somebody to be coaching her in wolfchat (that isnt achro?)

Catbae has a file on stick

This is 10000% within my wolfrange lol

Most of what I’m doing is stuff I already would’ve been planning to do before rand based on the googling I did for guides and info on the difference between BOTC and forum mafia (most of which was basically talking about how coordination is even more important in mashes because of the larger size fwiw…)

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i think that ur town but ur read on me is incredibly bad

do you know what post

let me figure this forum out and i will grab them

Shrugze prove you’re towny then

two tickets to paradise remain

if its what i think it is then give one to spf itll be really funny

Ill take one

idk what u mean but i love things

Ill take one how much

That’s for me to know and you to find out :3

(It means your thoughts have clicked with me the most)

okay well now you all want it all at once

But you have sheeped my reads grr

Man I am having many gay thoughts this pride

Anyways I’m back, this games overhwenlming

Why is stick the vote?

eh ive been absurdly towny there’s not much else i can do