FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Has zone redeemed the slot or is he just as wolfy…
Let’s find out

i liked his dumb role soft although i know it is in his wolf range

1439 / 1482 / 1512

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nvm they said move im dumb

how is that openwolfing lmao

its obv sarcasm???

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VOTE: achromatic

I have seen like one zone post since he joined

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zone’s slot was the most villa in the game to begin with


sarcasm is wolfy

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This too

ok i am fully here for real until eod

no they didnt seem to say this? the closest i can find is bystander saying they poked at brak bcuz of their past experiences

am i missing something they posted?

i cant tell if this is serious or not but how is that openwolfing lol

is ephemaera owoing?


then me and apoc are literally outted

No plans on moving my vote due to the host announcement about Wind thing.

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Yeah he has 5 posts most of which are. Zone

didnt manny 1000post d1 as wolf in anni last year?

