FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

apoc is in this?

you are

think she said that when she was discussing with me

I rescind my comment
It appears I was thinking of someone else
This mistake I will lament
As I look for more pelts

I recall someone paroted this thought
Clearly it wasn’t you
Let me find what I sought
and get back soon

We can switch




yeah and i am god reading him v


I am though

srry forgo

hes playing too @stick

hey insanity

1 Like

yes, that post from manny is obviously joking lol


yall need to look at the context

manny isn’t talking generally

look at what he’s responding too

AABB to ABAB :scream::scream::scream::scream:

Then Wind wouldn’t have 6 votes.

Man I did not want to read Manny

Why do you make me do this

That’s why we’re gonna get him

yeah soz i realised right as i hit send on that post lol
