FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

No chance, I made it very clear I’m staying on the wagon as I’m not going to place my vote anywhere else so this wagon is the least I can do.

If you’re going to open up to me with hostilities you can genuinely just fuck off, I’m sorry I got you confused with someone else but get your ego out your ass.

when i think of lhf i think of like

people who post 5 times and don’t do more, so maybe it’s a definition quibble

idk i think he can do that as either alignment

i do think he is not a priority because if he is a wolf he is just gonna take obv wolfy potshots but am saying i am not out of the woods on him yet

legacy reads are imo not as important in mashes with presumably elevated nk potential

Lhf i think people who often get scumread and die early regardless of postcount

You can add my claim to the list, that is literally the only thing I do…

Chat i cc firrin i have the same abilties

yea but creature

marluna is probably a villager btw

no one pays attention to legacy reads in mashes tbh

the second someone dies anything they’ve said goes into the ether

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Not sure if that means anything but meh

Ok, but what if I’m not a townie?

except when it’s convenient for wolves to use the legacy lol

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Please include my shield post

or they talk about how towny someone was and how we just have to sheep their reads :^)

why do you care
odds are at least someone on the wind wagon isnt going to be town regardless of how they are read

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stop claiming d1 u nerds


Yes this

true lmao

i wish people had listened to mine last game and blasted lemon :smile_cat:

It’s not even about my personal read. We want there to be 6 people on the wagon who are CONSENSUS town read, I’m keeping my personal opinion out of it. I don’t personally have a strong read on hallia but reading through the reads list, there is a lot of people townreading hallia so I have her on my list of people who can vote