FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

he’s literally right tho :joy_cat:

wow this guy just derpcleared himself

ok bbl

big moves were made

hi welcome to the community you must be new here


it’s ok not everyone is a fast learner :+1:

the game ended

If i claim something but its bullshit does mafia targetning me waste the action or do i die anyway

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Now you’re double lying because absolutely none of SDA, Manny, Tutuu or Ash were on my list of people who should vote for WWA?

No, not at all.
We’ve only had 10k posts

Holy fuck you all expect me to do detailed ISO dissertations or something?

I am pretty much doing stuff by repeatedly bringing up names that sound iffy/ignored and asking players about them. But you keep calling it “opportunistic” for some reason.

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holy fuck manny is here?

Yeah but they’re on the wagon, dumbass.

Why’s your ego with me?

Going to head out for food. Hungry Leafeon is hungry. :sleepingleafeon:




You wanna come in here and shout at me for being on the wagon but there’s actively 5 other players on it, I feel like out of those other players, I’m the last of your worries

Then do not ping me

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Why the fuck is there a 2nd thread?

What happened in the first one?

exploded :boom:

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