FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Same ngl but also tos2 is a mech nightmare soooooo

fair enough!

I enjoy optimisation and winning and spreadsheets and such but I know I will not succeed at micromanagement here and I know I would become much more unhappy if I tried

am i a sucker to fall for this

I would like to note that wolves likely have their own chat to strategize as well, yeah?

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idk if meme actually knows the power level of roles here but
is that like a
ā€œI can confirm myselfā€ claim?

i have a 100% discord ToS winrate and idk what that is

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The Neutral ending

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he might not be
but he can convince me of that himself if he tries

I donā€™t think it is unkind to call you wolfy if I think your posts are wolfy. if iā€™m wrong itā€™s on me, but thatā€™s the game, life goes on. iā€™m not going to be tunneling you but i will call out posts as i see them

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because im not actually reading the thread and just checking in because i can

But literally the only thing we can do today is coordinate.

You canā€™t social read because thereā€™s nothing to read off when hardly anyone has claimed, people havenā€™t done anything, itā€™s just shitposting etc.

Literally the fun part of the game today is coordinating on events, 1k post cookies, votes etc and people are refusing to do it?

i have a 100% NK winrate

You didnā€™t even DO IT CORRECTLY

It is consider nya

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fair do your thing, iā€™m not stepping on your toes here just speaking to kat

again, assuming he is, in fact town
if heā€™s a wolf i half expect him to flop over

he doesnā€™t know

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Ah shit i outted myself as wolf for that :pensive:

But you are reading the thread so Iā€™m not sure why you are claiming you arenā€™t. Sidelining involved reading
