FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

@firinn im gonna just have to ask you to agree to disagree and move on from this because it’s not helping anyone and idt anyone wants it to continue lol


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If i had a rand hit rate on wolves i would be a very sad boy

Also i couldnt fall back asleep nya


hallia you’re not supposed to vote for town

Is “I just woke up” a valid answer?

Firinn is town, lmao


i know i still think its wolfy

if you explain the read you might be able to get it from an outsiders perspective

well let’s find out

@SirDerpsAlot @Apocryphal @tutuu @Daeron @firinn can any of yall just back down your vote

circular back arrow next to hammer (vote) button

or [unvote], (/unvote] tags

@Atlas who should i vote for i havent read in the last 9 hours

I don’t think I have been strongly agitating for people to vote stick, but I have reposted my case when people asked. I think it is useful to explain things to people and get them to take stances because it lets me evaluate reactions and positioning


@Daeron dissapointed in the lack of dayvig on katze

Anyway I’m bored

I passed the not backing down from my vote test, get in there



Stop torturing the new player to make a point

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ngl idk wtf im even doing this game i’m not rlly being very villagery i just want ppl to tr me so i can escape the d2 ita list where people become readable

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Hi bores im dad