FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

i think its just because you havent posted here yet

winning is just more fun than anything that a thrower ever describes as “having fun” and that has been my consistent experience in every game I’ve played


It is never optimal to force things without power.

You are alone, and you need others to help you.
If you start a tyranny without enough helper the die will very quickly will turn against you, which you don’t want as either alligment.

i have

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Here lies the problem…


i dont think sk has ever townread me in a game before so that’s more a skill issue on his part
and saying i disagree with other people’s reads is literally contributing to the conversation
the only mash explaining i was doing was for firinn who is a self described noob to mashes and is causing way more harm than good by hyperfocusing on wazza voting wind

you gotta learn to get silly with it

Finding wolves is fun
Wolves cannot always be caught on mech
Wolves sometimes have to be caught on how they are socially and their position in the thread
Social is inherently illogical
Embrace shitposting


We will never agree, because of our definition of “fun” is different in the basics.


do you have anything personal to say?
you’re probably getting now that my only memorable experience with you was you tryharding and getting a ton of scum

saying i’m “un-memorable” in a game with 90 people in it is also just very silly and probably actually a wolfy read from him but shrug

l m a o

inb4 mera is voting spf to dissipate the main wagons while knowing it won’t go anywhere so they get the distance cred :curtain:

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No, I’m saying nothing they’ve done has made them seem townier to me; if they had I’d re-evaluate

4 hours and wind is top wagon

Oh huh i didn’t realize Mera was in the game

Hi Mera!

people have this weird mental image that i’m really good when i’m only exactly average
i act like i’m better than i am
i’m just here to have fun and shitpost and try to keep the people who i think are towny from getting shot so they can also have fun
if i catch a deepwolf then cool
that’s the reason i’m not really pushing catbae or anyone in particular especially on day 1