FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

No plans on moving my vote due to the host announcement about Wind thing.

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Yeah he has 5 posts most of which are. Zone

didnt manny 1000post d1 as wolf in anni last year?



apoc is in this?

you are

think she said that when she was discussing with me

I rescind my comment
It appears I was thinking of someone else
This mistake I will lament
As I look for more pelts

I recall someone paroted this thought
Clearly it wasn’t you
Let me find what I sought
and get back soon

We can switch




yeah and i am god reading him v


I am though

srry forgo

hes playing too @stick

hey insanity

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yes, that post from manny is obviously joking lol


yall need to look at the context

manny isn’t talking generally

look at what he’s responding too

AABB to ABAB :scream::scream::scream::scream:

Then Wind wouldn’t have 6 votes.