FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2



didnt write anything super detailed overnight, expected to die. main takeaways from my bit of reading is

  2. may is probably town off spew/generally villageryness
  3. carrotyreaper is prob just town off of his posting (i isoed them while thinking about spf)
  4. conversely i think that makes spfs town equity go up a fair bit. and i already actually did feel better about spf
  5. achromatic should just be spewed town. “achro is a good wolf” i dont give a shit lol tutuu really wanted achro dead there.
  6. i think mannys EoD was fine and the pushes on him were ass lmao
  7. i kinda expect crazynuto to flip village, but i also expect them to be killed no matter what i do. @crazynuto im sorry you’re having a bad time, if we can talk some ill try to help you out. but the eod treatment of him was fucked up andi felt like there was a post like “stay the course but hes outed, kill him tomorrow” which… if nuto flips villa prob just policy the guy who said that.
  8. im… very unsure how to feel about catbae. on one hand, i think he’s villagery. i think he’s been mostly pushing a village agenda. on the other hand, his eod was NOT good. …on the other hand, though, the ONLY person that tutuus role could have shot last night is him, and i feel like that’s a pretty big point for him being town – if he’s a wolf i’d expect him to try to superlike spam someone else, and if he’s a villager
  9. i want to kill brad and probably gorta. both of them voted achro for terrible reasons and both of them have been underwhelming. there is a mechanical reason i want to kill gorta that has to do with my role but it IS NOT A PEEK IN ANY WAY. @gorta why are you [REDACTED]? you know what im talking about. if i die early today someone hold him to this.



#7 has aged badly.

Notes from after tutuu’s flip (I pre-wrote these before day start, not gonna edit them so don’t ask dumb questions like “why are you giving reads on dead players”):

FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #9735 by firinn

Ok so I didn’t see this in time to answer, but I didn’t want to risk voting myself anyway because I wasn’t sure, if the peek was legit, whether it would count me as “1 voter” or “2 votes” and since my double vote doesn’t seem to be publicly revealed, it would’ve been extremely easy to fuck up the wagon through negligence. That’s just a thing I did not want to have to deal with, regardless of whether I could receive a peek on myself or not. I mean, I see now that it did say “votes 6 different players” so it probably would’ve worked, but if I got sent my own alignment I think we’d never hear the end of it till I was dead, lol.

BTW I actually felt a visceral urge to kill Magnus for this:

FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #8411 by WindwardAway

Because every time they brought it up, they only tried to paint it like I must be mafia for whatever I say about it. I think it’s too consistent of a focus and too inconsistent of a reasoning to be real. Call it an OMGUS but something felt off.


FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3855 by WindwardAway

FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #8043 by WindwardAway

FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #9503 by WindwardAway

I still stand by that reasoning, btw. I do believe Achro can make a better read on me than that, with pretty little effort.

FAM4: Thread 2 - Night 1 - #4870 by WindwardAway

And it’s on record somewhere that I said Atlas is almost definitely town but I was withholding saying it publicly for a while.

Ashlyn, Artemis, katze, Millium, firinn town
Likely SPF is town, and I have some other related reads to this

I think Manny looks better from it? Not sure
I think people who jumped on Manny after he moved his vote from me to tutuu are more likely to be wolves tbh, including Kanave, Frost, idk the timing of the rest

Daeron looks good from both their pushes and their consistent vote on me for the supposed peek

jail still looks bad but I’m not sure he’d try so hard to save his teammate at eod (the vote I believe could come from a teammate but his posts seem a bit too sincere or something, idk)

Kinda changed my mind on Cape, he looks less towny than earlier but could be recency bias and I need to ISO him for fair judgement. I think his last-ditch Achro vote stinks if mafia didn’t know what the vote count was, but if they knew then Cape just kinda looks silly and not necessarily wolfy for this. But guessing they couldn’t see the votes since thread was lagging like hell.
Insomnia looks bad because he seemed opposed to the tutuu wagon but didn’t actually townread tutuu
Kiiruma looks really bad

I still think Achro might be wolfing but we got a wolf flip in tutuu so I’m not gonna bitch in the thread about it
I did say highly likely one was a wolf but maybe not both
Still not sure if they both could be but I feel like the wagon movement was turbulent enough that it does look better for Achro. Ari wrote a very weird analysis of Achro, though?? I don’t even have an opinion on it because it feels like it came out of left field. Anyway, if Achro is a wolf then Achro is a less valuable role than tutuu was (and tutuu was wolf kp so tbh he was likely one of their most useful roles)

And hinging (once again) on Achro’s alignment is Leafia. I had her alignment as dependent on him before, then decided she was just town for her vote pattern and contrarian logic on Brad, but the way she went at Achro makes me think if Achro is town then Leafia is a wolf who leaked TMI that Brad is town. Also I agree with catbae’s(?) take that if Leafia is a wolf, Creature is a wolf.

I have to review Creature’s posts again, I was also reading him off Brad (and tbh very lazily assumed Creature would be frozen early in the game as a wolf because I’ve seen him be frozen on D1 plenty of times, even though I’ve also seen him post as a wolf with enough words and little meaning to them).

I don’t think crazynuto is a wolf for nearly fucking up my wagon. I don’t think it’s alignment indicative at all except that if they’re a wolf, they aren’t teamed with whoever put the peek/modpost on me because that was genuine confusion in their reaction.

I don’t know what Jinrou and Kelsier are doing but I’m inclined to ignore them for now. I think they’re gonna get themselves ITA’d regardless of alignment and I kinda don’t feel like their “wind is a wolf wagon bomb” thing was real.

Oh and also, tutuu voting me immediately after the announcement about the peek and then moving his vote later is noted. Take it as you will but I’m thinking the peek is more likely to be legit and from town, if scum was willing to waste votes to water down my wagon early on (unless wolves got this as a byproduct of activating some other, hidden ability). Orrrr it’s just a fake wolf modpost and was meant to distract and possibly mislead people into voting me for the heck of it, and give wolves an excuse not to be useful. Idk, that doesn’t seem so well-planned since they’d need votes to save their own team, and if they moved their votes at eod they’d just look bad. So probably it’s a legit town peek or just a reaction test.

Whatever happened to Brakuren and his poem posts? I saw zero mention of him after we moved threads, just wondering if we shelved solving him for the day or if he did something that cleared himself?

Other reads: kinda think carbo might be town, I remember they had early heat on them but I think they’re OK from what I saw. I think catbae might be town but I am not at all confident enough to make that call since I feel like he was a bit too focused on SPF for ages and I actually think SPF is townier than not.

FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3925 by tutuu

This would be a weird post to make about a partner so Apo is probably town from it, I thought she was towny anyway so I’m comfortable in giving a full townread to her now.

I don’t have a night action hehe.
But yeah, before you ask where I went or whom I visited, I didn’t go anywhere.

Also, is mafia actually all just in a guild called The AGENDA?? lmao

I’m sure I could’ve written more but it’s not like you guys are gonna read this anyway so have a summary of my scumreads. You don’t really need to look at it until I’m dead, anyway.

tl;dr - I would ITA: Kiiruma, jail, Kanave, Frostwolf, Cape, Magnus and then the others on my suspect list are dependent on other flips/reads. That’s in no particular order.

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I lied about the cop check

Also anybody who already claimed to havr abilities post last night action

Anybody with a red ping post it


naturally the two people i thought about most both died and flipped town!

either way i declare myself lock clear :3

few things

  1. @spf i know what youre doing
  2. …marl didnt mention achro a single time before his vote on him. i checked.
  3. may why is your name orange
  4. i got a lot of things last night i didnt expect
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also tried to do things at night

When a read has (-) after it, it’s slightly lower than it would be otherwise
And (+) means it’s slightly higher

Firinn / Zone - townread - from what I’ve seen, Firinn was very open with their role, and thoughts like 7704, thread 1 are towny. Probably more things I’m forgetting, and the entire game townreads them

Achro - townlean(+) - Pushed tutuu, and was the CW, which is a good look. Though I’m unsure whether tutuu is actually effective mafia KP, because a third of the living players is a lot. That might depend on whether mafia have roles that can give a lot of super likes. It’s Achro so I can’t really read him beyond results and the way other people play around him.

Katze - townlean - T!Achro → T!Katze in 5039 considers Katze locktown

Gocj - townlean - Mainly because Achro is very confident Gocj was town. Also, I like 160_thread_2 which shows hidden thoughts, and the fact they don’t seem to be trying to be towny (at times I wonder if they’re jester but they’re probably a bit too blatant for that). Also, May townreads them.

Bionic - townlean(-) - Bionic’s town meta is being very aggressive as town, pushing people early, vs their wolf meta where they’re way more passive. They’re closer to their town meta here (easiest comparison is the Dethy turbo that just ended, where Bionic was wolf), but not quite to the amount I have normally seen from them so I’m a bit less convinced.

SilverKeith - light town(+) - 9422, thread 1 is a bit towny. They’ve also put in a decent amount of effort but their reads are frequently not explained much so it’s probably pretty fakeable

Beancat - light town - mainly that they’re not pingy, and I’ve been told they’re pingy as wolf

Luxy - light town - I haven’t read much from them but

caught my eye, and is pretty towny

Specifically, the emotion expressed there, plus the fact that [if Leafia’s town, then Luxy has TMI making them not see this as much] and [if Leafia’s wolf, this risks looking like TMI].

also yeah I for a while have been wondering about parenthesizing speech like this and might try it

Amelia - nullwolf

Mildly wolfy - above post makes sense as a sentiment from a wolf unsure what to post, vs a villager just jumping in. otherwise pretty null

Pandora - nullwolf(-) - their vibe feels good (esp 2651), and a bit closer to their towngames from what I remember. But she’s also given no reads, and May (who knows pandora better, tho May be wolf) feels their vibe / shitposts are closer to their wolfgame.


i figured silv was wolf tho so thats based

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There goes the one reason I joined this game, Artemis is hiding info about their ability or lying

I have several questions.

SoD2 Flavor

It was the towniest of times, it was the wolfiest of times, it was the age of perfect reads, it was the age of vigging revealed innocent children, it was the epoch of pocketing, it was the epoch of tinfoil, it was the season of Hyperposting, it was the season of Slanking, it was the spring of cookies, it was the winter of threadlocks, we had a whole game before us, we had final 3 before us, we were all going to stomp and win on day 3, we were all going to be stomped and lose on day 3—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

There were a catbae in no guild and an spf in the AGENDA, in the graveyard of the Town; there were a tutuu in the AGENDA and a Silviu in NO GUILD BECAUSE GUILDS ARE STUPID, in the graveyard of the mafia. In both factions it was clearer than crystal to the leaders of the thread, that things in general were settled for ever.

All these things, and a thousand like them, came to pass in and close upon the dear old year of our Fortress three. Environed by them, while the Villager and the Wolf worked unheeded, those two of the valiant guilds, and those other two of the guildless, trod with stir enough, and carried their deaths with a high hand. Thus did the year three conduct their Greatnesses, and myriads of living players—the players of this chronicle among the rest—along the roads that lay before them.



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Good Morning and welcome you all
My reads have been right, i’m so happy
I thought i was wrong and that I would fall
And that my reads had been getting scrappy

I did some reading overnight,
and one piece of info came to light
if you read the ISO of Cape you will see
How they demanded for Tutuu to be free
Yet once thread pressure turned on his head
Cape went with the bandwagon instead

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Well the headers disappeared, I’ll try formatting it again

Also, wtf silviu was in this game? I thought he didn’t sign up cause I never saw a single post from him lmao