FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

You remind me so much of how you acted in the last game with me. That Jail one.

Truly a tragic situation

Found it

yeah that doesn’t convince me. I would guess it was yawn, but that’s just cause I tr everyone else, haven’t read them.

I don’t have any read on you

I am asking whether you’re being wagoned for being wolfy or for not highposting as much

i thought about killing katze first with my ability because if she’s a wolf i could claim i vigged champze

but then i figured that was irresponsible so i just hit artemis instead

This is like wvery ita game where some ransom,dude appeara d2 and we have to folloq their shotlost even tho they turn out to be mafia n5

Does anyone have a read on pandora?

You are my 5th pick for it left alive, but I think you have more sway here than the people I prefer for the job. :P

Rly? Why? Well it doesn’t matter anyways

L m a o

my point is not that i didnt cred grab, is that i fucked myself out of cred, i was voting tuutuu before they became lead wagon and THEN jumped off
why the fuck would i do that as w/w

just pointing it out that they were obviously joking (im pretty sure they townread me? not certain)

i will say though italy seems more like they are trying to frantically dismiss sadbi’s argument rather than actually defend themselves or try to get something informative out of it. which isnt inherently wolfy by itself but i am getting slight cftwr vibes

Artemis defense?

wolves dont get d1’d therefore i didnt wanna be in the lead wagon :joy_cat:

Tbh Manny’s self-meta arguments are always annoying and circular and his cloak is vaguely wolfy but I wouldn’t shoot him.

Wow rude

@may had her as wolfy and i trust that

i think its a fine shot, maybe evne one of the better ones

i think you’d be better at it than me but people trust me more

wdym defense
i lowered their hp :joy_cat:

I would like to shoot either carbonated or chaos, it’s for my category.