FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2


survivor (real)

Also can you all stop pushing the bullshit “leafie tmi’d me her wolfmate”?

Pretty sure Leafia would pull some bullshit to get town killed

You all should try reading me based on what I post

I think it’s likely, but I don’t believe that they are certainly scum. It feels really ballsy for a wolf, but plausible with villager conviction


mafia kiiruma would probably not scumread achro here

I mean I just think it’s a bit much of a coincidence that that was mentioned as a theory yesterday and both of you are poisoned today? I don’t think it makes you and Leafia more likely to be partners, I just think the poisoner mightve jumped on that theory.

werent u townreading me nerd

In a mash? I can’t keep up.

Ok so i am a fucking trackee and you didnt visit so

Leafia can probably die

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Did you watch the 48hr popcorn game

i dont think hed feel the need to push agenda that bad

kiiruma v?


oh lol

It took me so long to press the reply button calm down

Thats correct.

fuck i read sod and now there’s 200 posts
i’m just gonna leave this here and go back to reading


tris - go back and reread and see if they like

ever did anything? i don’t think they did. but i should check.

silver king


creature - their posts all seem very, very odd. also i don’t like their pfp. and somehow i think that might genuinely be influencing my read on them.

brad - bad early d1 posting. bad eod posting. yeah. weird interactions with tutuu. thread pressure got shifted off of them really randomly - GO AND LOOK AT WHO DID THAT. (might’ve been tutuu? idk. i was asleep i think.)

pick carbonated’s brain - ask about experience

insomnia 1.2.2551 is a terrible post and i hate it

meuh town - first got this read like 20 minutes after entering thread and i have no clue why and i’m not really willing to go back and look.

there’s something severely wrong with ari, but specifically in a very insane townie way. i don’t think a scum member puts themselves out there straight up acknowledging that they’re reading achro for stupid reasons, especially with tutuu as counterwagon.

kill apoc for thread readability fr fr (this is a JOKE)

impressive lack of anything AI from Selkie as far as i remember (are they an alt?)

read beancat. idk their name pinged me on tutuu’s wagon for some reason. i don’t think i’ve seen them do anything interesting yet this game.

kat’s legacy post is… weird. i dislike it as a whole, but it has a few individual takes that i like.

hate katze 1.2.5414

leafia is wrong, therefore town. (also, post 1.1.3837 also gives town points. why the fuck would wolves do this? i mean, to be fair, leafia is a conundrum on the best of days, but… still.…… right?)

atlas spewed v by tutuu? (1.2.1671) - post 1.2.4853 gives me pause - potential antispew or potential pocket attempt.

at least one wolf out of yawn/creature/stick based on tutuu 1.2.3933 (reasoning: the copy-pastes are weird and almost certainly intentional)

tutuu/jane interaction is weird, but i can’t pinpoint why.

tutuu maybe spewing ash4fun v via post 1.2.4084

i want to. stare at 1.1.4326. very intently. i would also like others to stare at 1.1.4326 very intently. (to be fair, real timing with may actively made them go up in my read list to nullscum. that being said. i am still pissed at the audacity of being rude to me while knowingly being in the wrong. so i’m not sure any of my reads on them will be accurate.)

1.1.4849 potential scum theater? uncertain. tutuu was oddly obsessed with wanting kat to like him.

What else would he do?

If he backed down, he would be called out for it.