FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Idk who it was that said daeron was wolfy yesterday, but they’re being pretty villagery today


i’d rather flip achro than who he wants to flip tbqh


omg i love itas

Okay we just need to coordinate.

We should ITA people in a definite order, so that we can properly re-evaluate if somebody flips wolf rather than having a bunch of damaged targets sitting around.

Jinrou is the current consensus first shot.

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achro is v here


can i diff check achro and u :joy_cat:

No. Her push on me isn’t because of her result, it’s because I refused to give information in response to her result, and for some reason she thinks that’s wolfy despite the fact that she acknowledged that her result pointed to me having a strong role, which gives me more reason to not want to out any part of it in thread.

im sheepign my townreads therefore its not my fault :curtain:

No they are not


it is fuck you

I have used the potion.

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chat pick a person i’ll one tap them trust

im iffy on killing artemis

my townread on her has largely drowned out but i dont see too big of a reason to kill her; if y’all do the shots fine

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I…know nothing about this?

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why, whatd I miss

Jinrou is not consensus first shot
We blast Kiiruma first