FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

I"? Not outed Nutella.

@famhost /Ita Leafia

i am home of sexual


you… think i don’t read the instructions?

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Leafia Angeles that was like 8 shots
That should be all hp unless they have lots?

I still have my bullet, but I’m waiting for round 2
If we run out, then I’ll shoot soon

doesnt dya have like 3 or 4 more ita shots

:/ blegh

this is not carbonated’s first time ever playing mafia. they have played mafia before. this is their first mash yes but surely they are capable of reading the op to find out when ita times are


@FAMHost /ita leafia

what? i never said you were wolfy i made a joke about burger tell lol

The shot connects.

oh hey validation

I can confirm that carbonated would read the instructions (unlike half the people here apparently)

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can someone explain how or what

are we going to shoot leaf till they have 0 hp

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wolves may have a HP steroid of some sort, or Leafia just has higher base HP

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waiting for more resolution before continuing though

I read them its just funnier to be dumb


me being a villager after getting shot by a mech outed wolf is a lock bar me being ita manipulator that activates during dayphase

i am not skill issueing on u, u guys pushed me for flimsy shit and now its payback time

yea pretty much

some1 tell me who to shoot