FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

doesn’t it literally say 9 pm, ita starts?

Wait wtf I thought leafia already ita’d tris

The shot connects.


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My thoughts exactly on the shot

yeh leafia is outed

And shot me


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okay idk if i like that you’re just ignoring that ita times are in the op

I love ITA’s

lmao with the connects

and you think me not shooting you is wolfy? why is leafia outed?

It’s still HP people gotta just keep hitting her.

if leafia flips V then dont shoot creature until d3 imo

theyve been villagery and leafia shouldnt flip v :joy_cat:

Town. Not wolf.

seems like incredibly flimsy logic to push an lhf slot

Kiiruma confessed that the poison was fake, also this is a wolfy post

yeah i could see that nutella, i like stick’s start

Y didnt you shoot me

They are, but this is carbonated’s first ww game

wdym if
they’re meant to be mech outted bunch of liars smh

The shot connects.