FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

since apparently they play together (im not reading all that), hazard would likely be able to read kii easily, and with kii flip makes me question their furry state

no actually idt ive ever seen eph v LOL

I wish for two mafia to die rn

t on t violence

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i have

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Chole i had high expectations from you

Not running dayvigs is horrendous, this game will end next month :sob:

I’m pretty comfy with them v I think

happy pride!!!

indiscriminate violence

well kiiruma is a massive furry so i wouldnt be surprised if hazzy was one too

but idk if they’re a wolf

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The adults are all fighting hold me

Can we kill them /hj

3 deaths last night i wanna crie

They said 10-14 irl days for this game


I am not going to stop defending myself against what I perceive as an inaccurate and unreasonable push when not doing so means I am at risk of dying today.

I am trying to avoid making this personal, I failed to do that earlier and it was my fault, but from a game perspective I think leaving this alone would make things worse.

dont forget, you’re here forever

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ehh anyways regardless i think thats a decent catch/observation from gocj; but i also dc enough to see if hazard did read kiiruma

last time i played with ephemera (was a game with achro apoc batman on mu)

i townlocked ephemera really really hard and said they are as villagery as my role pm lol

Someone recruit me to the Communists!!!