FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

i like the explaination enough

Yeah I like it too

It was a Lizards game before Banshee came out. Kiiruma, as the Minion, tricked town into assuming that any player could be “elected” and given useful information. This was facilitated by electing different Minions, including Atlas who falsely registered as dying at night. The one time a Villager was “elected” and learned nothing, Kiiruma set up a reasonable masquerade that Pandora was drunk.

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I want my reads to stop being below rand I feel like they’re below rand and I don’t know how to fix it



i “tricked” a villager into making me register as dead
my real abil is a demon kill upon successfully finding a “damsel”

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This isn’t a villagery post from me nobody townread this post

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well, I don’t necessarily think neither is good or evil at this moment and won’t until I try to ISO later

but I haven’t even got to reviewing their ISOs yet and you should also know that I’m not a blind follower

I’ve expressed enough distrust with the vote peek on d1

idk if this is actually bad but it reminds me of the “i want to be wolf” post

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Is it because I’m cute

italy reference

but I just simply don’t trust it

…nobody gets this
im still annoyed


idk what you’re referring to here

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**[quote=“May, post:7293, topic:8641, full:true”]
I want my reads to stop being below rand I feel like they’re below rand and I don’t know how to fix it


Mashes are difficult. We are doing quite well so I wouldn’t worry about it.

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italy tried to make me finish “i wanna be the guy” instead of osu!

aka torture game

looked through a bit of leafias iso to figure out why she might have tunneled me in botc


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Yes but also other things

if Wind is bad than so is Wazza in most cases, but if Wazza is good we have two towns likely