FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Lemme finish reading the announcement before I say anything dumb

Noooo Jess! My NA is wasted.

Frost I felt didn’t have their usual town stubborness as much, but I was also skimming
also lowposting - idk if they’re postcount polarized tho or just frozen at times (which I don’t thiiiiink they were? would have to check timestamps tho)

What’s the case on Marl?
Didn’t get a chance to backread everything from yesterday, but I remember not liking their reaction when Firinn initially pushed Wazza.


as for specific thoughts tutuu’s wagon is definitely purer than achro’s (i’m putting very little stock into the interview) but the very last votes on tutuu have a nontrivial chance of being wolves knowing when to give up

my gosh can we give the 6 votes thing a rest until like, after the last ITA window or somthing?

also alexandras eod rly pinged me lol

That still doesn’t really help ur cause given the info I was told

A whole 4 hrs til ITAs boooooo I wanna shoot ppl

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I didn’t read during the night, I don’t plan on backreading until necessary

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I agree, read my alexandra case

cuz i thought tutuu couldve been demotivated town

how dare you
thats all im gonna say

I doubt this vote work with both me and MArluxion still in game.

tutuu/Achro treatment isn’t outside of either’s wolfrange IMO

You literally said they were unlikely to be w/w

I still think you’re Town though

oh yeah true

i dont think they played like their other mash games; they read to me as if they’re just hiding in the corner

they voted the cw to a wolf when they hadn’t mentioned the cw a single time before that