FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Btw can someone tell me who died from itas

Damn Luxy died twice


thats why gocj is discussing putting them on a living-player-exclusive shot list

I cannot spell names for the love of me

We shoot gocj problem solved

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wolfs can land their votes on off-wagon without people risking to read into their wagonomics.

as for 3p, they can be a lot of benefit depending on their type. (making chaos, make sure they survive, they actually try to kill with the ability.)


Following advice from a guy i forgot who


i mean
but i think you already knew that and dont care

Cape and italy dies?

i quoted the post for you. what more do you want.

Tbf just doble checking

Whats italys role

Also fyi i cant really die to this lmao

if you go to the post it has links to the flips.

Wait omg its my fakeclaim omg

holy fuck

Ah mafia does that make me non mafia? My vote was on italy a good chunk of the time

literally nobodys allowed to tinfoil achro btw. literally never. never. lock him town. right fucking now all of u.

me and catbae gave spf shit for this wolflist but idk maybe its worth exploring some more, shes a goated player

in my bones i feel like zugs d2 has been like… significantly worse than his d1. even when he went nya a lot.

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