FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Uh Lmao idk

Well I’m back from my little nap to make ITA if people want me to take a shot cus I know people used up there things last ITA window

just by ashlyn
noted anyway

im probably going to sleep soon but if anyone shoots me in the upcoming ITA window I will personally make it my mission to shoot them until dead, presuming i live

at least let me talk dammit

+yall pivoting this hard to a lowposter for no more reason than any other inactive is kinda sussy

idk Magnus’ slot just doesn’t feel like it’s Magnus’ slot

might be a possessor game guys ngl


I think it’s suspicious that in that situation, you voted the villager out of the pair.

Meanwhile, katze was actively arguing to not kill Achro. (#4447), (#4498)

Someone said Magnus is in wolf meta.
Was one of my higher villa reads D1, but I am not here to fight meta on someone I don’t know.
If Magnus is town I just look back and flip the liar that lied about meta.

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Stick also wolf reads magnus

I think its enough resolve from people i think its town so

Spiteful shooting is something I would 100% do if I was shot. So I’ll give it a null read on that post.

sorry if that wasnt coherent lmao

We will be switching to a new thread soon!

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beancat is towny

@magnus you’ve been pinged like three times but i dont care get over here if you can i think

But I like this thread

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I think I am at don’t shoot Artemis or Ashlyn.

Poster #9999 gets a cookie

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It has some of my favourite people like

it was
i just dont understand why that benefits towns wincon

this thread has cooties