FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

carbonated can die yea

The shot connects.


notā€¦rlly? (i donā€™t feel the need to shoot u or leafia but i mean hey if you insist)


Is Jake claiming 3p?

we will see

didnt the event winners get poison?

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ew no

stick was pretty strong town this sod imo

2 fake poisons?

creatures probably the real poison given leafias posts lol

Leafie is wolf for this

We arent shooting may. Anyone who shoots may is an enemy of the piss


Outed town and Iā€™m deadvat the end of the day anyway.

wdym how did i know when

I am not fake poisoned

Kiiruma can only fake poison those who superliked their posts

I didnā€™t superlike any of their posts

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where is the leafia is dead post

yeah but thats in his non-3p range

im still not entirely opposed to shooting him but his claim gave me pause

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i think the botc event awarded poison lol

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leafia is basically outed

im being pushed by wolfy ppl

We donā€™t know for sure Creature is fake poisoned, Kiiruma claims that catbae was the other of the two Super Likes on himā€¦

ā€¦but if Leafia is a villager, I can see the poison being fake and it being an elaborate fakeclaim to buy Creature time, I suppose?