FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

/ITA Italy @FAMHost

damn @Italy you feeling good buddy you’re pouring blood

VOTE: JakeTheWolfie

it’s not dodging there’s a damage system these have all hit
i’m just very persistent

remember tho

The shot connects.

nah i’d win

ive seen him lowpost as town

Ohh we do? Then shoot a way


@zugzwang @may @wazza @jarek @pandora @ElizaThePsycho

ok i will trust /ITA ITALY @Famhost

i hope this ios right formatting im so tires

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guys what if Italy is a juggernaut and has like inf health idk

i miss the bug in epicmafia where it would just spam the bleeder message over and over and you couldnt get rid of it


i wonder if this is rand!w

… seriously stop shooting italy

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im not sure if she was acting as if she was outed and just went for the top of acceptable list

italy was supposed to die by the time this shot processed wtf

vig them tonight

yeah multiple times