FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

not right now, i already solved it

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stick is asleep. that is most of my stand for this session.

not against it, would prefer to see more posts and decide after.

Bloodied is only killing right

Ari do indeed be town.

Iā€™m all hopped up on wolf blood help me

Whenā€™s second ita window

i only kill bloodied people yea
aka people low on hp

brad is still very likely villager

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i wouldnt ita stick here

does ari bus cuz she shot italy

brad would never read me incorrectly ^^

like i dunno im not . i dont think FAM is good for my reads at all LOL but weh.


how many wolves do you think their are


iā€™ll shoot next session

i mean it was mostly sabi pushing it and sabi is lock town so lol

Neither would I, I town read them

didnā€™t you oniginally sheep suspicion onto me?

if youre not particularly memorable (i didnā€™t catalog you were here until now) its bound some people will forget you; claiming to be obvious v out of the blue would likely get that reaction

i disagree with claiming youā€™ve done nothing