FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

I love bussing but I’m town

The Greco-Romans used to use Lead as a sugar substitute for their wine to make it sweeter. Perhaps via the same application, in a rapidly moving projectile, I can allow you to taste how sweet it was.

When is second ita window again

I know how to read Ari and she doesn’t like bussing that much so prolly town.

Im still in champs recovery mode. I have given all the energy i have for a hobby rn

Be nice to each other while i am gone

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Low hp is considered below 50?


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it was baudib/you/manny and to some degree insomnia

she did say she checked my iso though owo iirc owo

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God dammit I was hoping for fake meta.

it’s as simple as Ctrl + F “Italy @Ashlyn” but you can also ISO me.
i literally havent FUCKING talked about italy.
i dont care if you scumread me. just scumread me for actual fucking proper reasons instead of blatantly factually incorrect ones.

youre an anti cpr doc
just. kill people who didnt die to itas


Cape90 seems like the only viable shot here but I don’t see him as wolf aorn

Bionic is being shielded by SirDerpsALot for ??? reasons

idk where to stand on Artemis now

5am est or something maybe 3, I know I won’t be here for it, check the OP

Its not specified, i assume its close to like 20-30 hp but no clue

people dont heal in between sessions right

Some asshole clearly cursed stick on katzes behalf.

Making stick suffer seems fair.

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dont ita stick pls

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which to me read in extremely easy push on the owoposter owo