FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

haha Italy flipped mafia nya

how do i
i would never be like fam3 here, even if i was scum. does that make sense?

oh idt that ability is like an obvious town one but i feel like u feel like it is now

Since Leafia and Tutuu flipped red, this should give me more of townlean look, no?

Because I called out Leafia

Right, but you’re not worse than FAM3, you’re better than FAM3, and at least in my experience it’s harder to remember how to wolf ocnvincingly when you haven’t played town in a while

your personality is different

And it was delicous. I will gladly rat out the gays again for cookies



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Aro beats gay

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but i dont think 1 year is as black and white as you’d think

thanks i got a girlfriend
(how does one respond to this)


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Newspaper headline

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thats fair i guess. idk i just wanted it to be said

Yea bionic iso (when I looked at it during d1) read like they were particularly bloodthirsty which I find to be a town quality from them lol

This is homophobic and as a pround member of the AGENDA (gay club) this deserves to be pelted to death

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Your tunnel about me is adorable and misplaced

idk i kinda think you’d just sound less good vibes more dead inside sas mafa but im not married to the read

i think u and hallai should stop fighting but if she thinks ur mafia id side with her over u so

yea maybe i dont want u shot any time soon at least

Sorry only a straight can be aro