FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

According to the RPS of destiny

raised eyebrow
do you not think i sound dead inside right now

Gatekeeping woooo

*Can beat aro

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Rock paper scissors?

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right now i cant read tone i should have slept like 3 hours ago

Straight beats aro, aro beats gay, gay beats straight. It’s been established

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VOTE: alexandra nya

Gay beats straight
Straight beats aro
Aro beats gay

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what is going on individuals

case me on it right meow!!

I’m getting microtells of towniness from Ashlyn, don’t feel like shooting her.


I think they dies in itas with margus marcus margos

Wolf above quesiton mark?


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Its been confirmed that i will rat out Gays for more cookies. I am easily won over

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the answer is that ive been shook since tris flipped town and leafia flipped scum
also either go bother artemis like you said you would or go to sleep, doofus.