FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

If I were to use my action tonight, would it be item-ified before or after where my action would be expected to run through?

Ah, okay. Yeah, this is a fine argument.
Alright, I won’t shoot May.

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Thank you.

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Well, that’s hard to explain because if I could easily do that I’d already have pointed out reasons and laughed at people believing otherwise. The reality is there is no good reason, I just believe that people should know better despite that because…

I’d offer you a meta reason like “I’d never do this as a wolf!!” but like…come on.

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because like
personally while there are definitely certain posts I’d have not made as wolf
it makes sense that people don’t see that, since quite a lot is WIFOM and/or requires way too much knowledge of my meta

The same time.

you use your action, and the same time your action becomes an item.

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And what you are seeing here is me realising how foolish I am, sooooo

How odd.
What does “becoming an item” entail?

There is still time to improve.

literally havent read or acknowledged anything they have said. i had 80 people to look at and i chose to look at the people i knew the most

I don’t know does the realisation that I’ve been stupid this entire game make me any more or less townie to you that’s really what this boils down to

I mean
what are the things that you wouldn’t have done as wolf due to meta?

I didn’t figure that part out…

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Nobody in their right mind expects you to either perfecrly read 80+ people, or to read 80+ at all, if you’re starting playing mashes. Find a small subset and get good underlying reads on them, if you wish.

Zugzwang, talk to me about your SRs? Nya

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(I have no explanation in my role)

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because I’m trying to see if it’s realistic to realize this now
like personally I think it’s pretty obvious to me how findable I am

Is there any way you could? I cannot say I am not directly intrigued by the benefit it may have.

Hrm… Well, okay.
So, who’s your top three suspects?

Well, stemming from the belief that I believe people should just magically know my alignment based on nothing but simply knowing, the whole “haha you should know I’m town dummy” thing doesn’t kick in when I’m not town. Because they’re right, I’m not town. If I ever manage to rand wolf I don’t like emulating this kind of behaviour purely because it feels wrong, you know, like manipulative. that’s the entire point of FM but it’s manipulative in a bad way. Like saying that if you kill me I’ll be really upset kind of manipulative when I just wouldn’t be - the kind that works once and never again