FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

And what you are seeing here is me realising how foolish I am, sooooo

How odd.
What does ā€œbecoming an itemā€ entail?

There is still time to improve.

literally havent read or acknowledged anything they have said. i had 80 people to look at and i chose to look at the people i knew the most

I donā€™t know does the realisation that Iā€™ve been stupid this entire game make me any more or less townie to you thatā€™s really what this boils down to

I mean
what are the things that you wouldnā€™t have done as wolf due to meta?

I didnā€™t figure that part outā€¦

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Nobody in their right mind expects you to either perfecrly read 80+ people, or to read 80+ at all, if youā€™re starting playing mashes. Find a small subset and get good underlying reads on them, if you wish.

Zugzwang, talk to me about your SRs? Nya

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(I have no explanation in my role)

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because Iā€™m trying to see if itā€™s realistic to realize this now
like personally I think itā€™s pretty obvious to me how findable I am

Is there any way you could? I cannot say I am not directly intrigued by the benefit it may have.

Hrmā€¦ Well, okay.
So, whoā€™s your top three suspects?

Well, stemming from the belief that I believe people should just magically know my alignment based on nothing but simply knowing, the whole ā€œhaha you should know Iā€™m town dummyā€ thing doesnā€™t kick in when Iā€™m not town. Because theyā€™re right, Iā€™m not town. If I ever manage to rand wolf I donā€™t like emulating this kind of behaviour purely because it feels wrong, you know, like manipulative. thatā€™s the entire point of FM but itā€™s manipulative in a bad way. Like saying that if you kill me Iā€™ll be really upset kind of manipulative when I just wouldnā€™t be - the kind that works once and never again

Side note:
Needā€¦ to get Derpsā€¦ out of @Janeā€™s listā€¦

Havenā€™t Derp shot Kii?

Itā€™s less to do with realising that and realising how much of an asshole I probably look like by having my head up my ass like that and not wanting to come across like a massive dick. Which Iā€™m not, I promise.


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Jarek seems town NYA

oh I actually did make a read on Leafia
I wrote:

Leafia - TBD - On the one hand, they donā€™t seem to have the fire that Iā€™ve been told they have as wolf. Also they immediately talk about their role in 176, thread 1 which is their town meta.

That being said, their postcount is high, which is their wolf meta (I would view this as pretty strong, but this is a mash). And also Achro is pretty confident theyā€™re a wolf.

then after thinking about it, I was like ā€˜yeah this is wolfy but I also want to ask May about itā€™, and forgot to put it in the finished reads section