FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

as opposed to lost wolf, which i am currently softing


Why specifically choose who they did tho? If that’s the case?

a lost v to me is… marluna. i think

totally agree.

I love the Devil’s Advocate!

idr saying this

all i remember about even giving an adjacent form of a read is when sabi asked me what i think of you. and i said you’re not in your wolf kp range and that’s basically it

but noted that you were pushing villagers a ton

i think they both are :stuck_out_tongue:

i tried to not use the first part in case you or the other person (rip.) had a better choice but i couldn’t. agreed tho

but neil ur posts… they’re not super towny owo…

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i’m still iffy on both kanave’s claim and her general behaviour compared to fam3

imagine it’s botc devil’s advocate and even the execution doesn’t work and we’re just in hell


anyways uh. idk i’m cute

Jinrou/me are boring wolf candidates tbh

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Can anyone tell me about zug, wazza, gorta, or porscha?

DA can’t protect against a Slayer shot

Plot twist: this is just one giant game of BotC.

Why lol

we’ve already been over this it might actually be true

but not WRONG candidates?

idk maybe jake was gonna get heat owo

or they got bussed owo

basically a day angel is usually a wolf role who gives ita (and sometimes dayvig) immunity to another wolf (well, you can give it to a townie. but why would you do that owo)